Shut the Front Door

Doors not only let you out but can determine if your guests can come in! I spent Thanksgiving with my family in Upstate N.Y. and was thankful that my mom always does such a good job in making her company feel welcome. This front entrance is welcoming for several reasons
1. The porch is covered from the snow and wind
2. There is proper lighting up above as well as with the decorations
3. The house numbers are large enough and lit for drivers to see from the road
4. There is room for a bench to rest and catch your breath before all the hello's
5. There is a window for the home owner to view guests before unlocking the door
6. The lever handle can be used by someone with a handful of gifts or arthritis

This door is extra special because it leads to the family I love but I am sure you know someone who does not visit with a million excuses. Take a look at your front door and imagine how other users perceive it!

Take a Seat


Bikes and Trikes