YoYo Christmasing

cards by twinravenspress at www.etsy.com

During the holiday season it seems that although there is kindness that is not found any other time of the year. There is also an expectation for you to be at every family members house. You end up spending the day yo yoing back and forth just to say hi as you are jetting out the door to see the next family. This is fine if everyone is healthy and able but if not this craziness may not be possible.
The holidays are coming whether you want it to or not. If you are not up to all the hoopla of the holidays, compose a letter with your greeting card everyone is expecting. This sample letter from a coworker who runs caregiver support groups.
Be candid with them, acknowledge the stress and any sad or unpleasant feelings that you may have.
A sample letter might be:
Dear ____________,
Perhaps you’ve noticed that (name) is not quite the person he/she once was or
that his/her illness had progressed to the point when he/she needs a lot of care.
However, as the holiday season approaches, we are counting our blessings. Time
is especially precious to us now, and we want to make the most of it.
The best gift you can give us this holiday season is your continuing support and
understanding. We both need your friendship, now more than ever. Please call in
advance if you plan to visit and please do not be offended if we decline your
invitation to a social gathering.

Thank you for your friendship. It means a lot to both of us.

In writing this letter you may feel pissed off, overwhelmed and a little lonely. Cheer yourself up by setting the stage with a candle and a glass of wine. Use great stationary that feels nice under your fingers and spray some of your perfume on the card after writing the letter. Send it with an exhale because you do have control of your life and you are doing a great job!


SOHO Beautiful


Take a Seat