Do not eat in the bathroom
Since February is being designated to everything bathrooms I will not be posting about food for a while, unless I start eating in the bathroom but I do not foresee that happening.
This post goes out to Papa G in trying to eat no wheat, corn or beef...
One of my favorite meals is an egg white omelet. This is made with 4 egg whites, fat free mozzarella cheese and 35 calorie potato bread toast. YUMMY! (Make your own bread with quinoa flour)
This post goes out to Papa G in trying to eat no wheat, corn or beef...
One of my favorite meals is an egg white omelet. This is made with 4 egg whites, fat free mozzarella cheese and 35 calorie potato bread toast. YUMMY! (Make your own bread with quinoa flour)
This salad is made with yellow peppers, avocado, tomato and chive. Dash with some Balsamic vinegar and olive oil and you are set.
I am trying to eat fish 2-3 times a week to help my weight loss. I am down 10 pounds by the way! So this recipe is called milk fish but since I am really weird about my milk I prefer to call it Lemon Parsley Fish instead. It was really tender and flavorful.
Parsley, lemon, onion, milk
Mango avocado salad
I know it seems weird but you mix the sweet potato with chive, sesame oil, rice vinegar and honey and it turns into this sweet roll. The dip is garlic, ginger, low sodium soy sauce and pineapple juice. The flavors work really well together but this dish reminded me of yellow tail and I like my food a little firmer when I am thinking of fish.
Simon and Cabo looked excited to eat.
Well I do have to brag that my first year of growing spaghetti squash produced over 30 beautiful vegetables. I do have to say that is way too many for one person to eat. I could not even give them away anymore. I ended up taking some home to NY to give my mom.
I love eating this with sugar free Hunts spaghetti sauce mixed with extra vegetables. Talk about fast and easy and yes good for you.
This time I wanted to dehydrate the squash in my excalibur so I only heated them enough to scoop out the insides easily.
As I was cleaning and straining the seeds I had a wonderful idea: Why can't I dry the cantaloupe seeds as well.
So I did...
I filled my excalibur full for 6 hours at 115 degrees.
This is a before and after.
I had 3 medium to large spaghetti squash that has dried
All three squash fit into this one bag with extra room. I do not have a food sealer but this will last several years in this bag. In a sealed bag it could last up to 50 years. Imagine enjoying the freshest fruits and vegetables like an aged bottle of wine. I can not wait until I am 80 eating a great crop of oranges from California from 2012.
Dried seeds to be used for crackers, toppings for salads, granola...
The Cantaloupe seeds are on the left and squash seeds on the right.
The good thing about dehydrating is that you can buy food on sale, dry it and use it when you need it with out having to buy out of season at the highest prices.
All these peppers dried to fit into this one bag.
I bought these shitake mushrooms for $1.49
I love this mushroom because it looks like a heart.
I love this mushroom because it looks like a heart.