Not your average shower bench
Whether you are looking for a place to sit and shave your legs or you can not take a shower independently anymore with out taking a seat- here are some stylish benches that will customize your bathroom with out jeopardizing the style.
Points of interest:
Teak is easier on the eye than plastic
Think of the storage- look at the difference in the benches that have storage underneath - more money but you do not have to get off your butt to get the shampoo.
The long bench can go half in the tub and half out - if you have trouble lifting your legs in your tub just sit on the one end and slide into the bath tub.
Use a bench to sit on when you get out of the shower. The hot water can feel so good but as you get out you may get dizzy on a now wet floor - can you say hip fracture.
Classic- these can be used in any room - think outside the bathroom!
Points of interest:
Teak is easier on the eye than plastic
Think of the storage- look at the difference in the benches that have storage underneath - more money but you do not have to get off your butt to get the shampoo.
The long bench can go half in the tub and half out - if you have trouble lifting your legs in your tub just sit on the one end and slide into the bath tub.
Use a bench to sit on when you get out of the shower. The hot water can feel so good but as you get out you may get dizzy on a now wet floor - can you say hip fracture
Classic- these can be used in any room - think outside the bathroom!